“Stretch Meetings” are extended term cloud based meetings that take the place of time-draining internal work meetings and conference calls.

 “A meeting consists of a group of people who have little to say – until after the meeting.”  ― P.K. Shaw   

  • The typical American professional attends over 60 meetings per month 

    • (Source:  Meetings in America: A study of trends, costs and attitudes toward business travel, teleconferencing, and their impact on productivity (Greenwich, CT: INFOCOMM, 1998)   
  • Approximately 50% of meeting time is wasted

    • (Source:  Meetings in America: A study of trends, costs and attitudes toward business travel, teleconferencing, and their impact on productivity (Greenwich, CT: INFOCOMM, 1998)
  • 39% of people attending meetings doze off during the meeting

So How Do Defer Stretch Meetings Fix the Problems?

  • Meeting time is schedule for Days, Weeks, or Months for open meetings.

NOT scheduling Days, Weeks, or Months OUT due to available time for attendees.

  • Allows attendees to jump in and out of meetings as time allows

  • NOT scheduling captives for 1 hour sessions

  • Invest 5 minutes for your 5 minutes of input

  • NOT Investing 1 hour for 5 minutes of input

  • Allows more people to truly PARTICIPATE in meetings and add VALUE

  • NOT have a single speaker for 59 minutes and talk over each other for the remaining minute.

  • Allows language barriers to be broken down.

  • NOT speaking too fast, or too slow for multi language calls.

  • Allows meetings to easily cross time zones.

  • NOT getting up at 4am, or working until 10pm for a meeting with Japan

  • Add value to 4 or 5 meetings in the first 20 minutes of each day with notices of new content.

  • NOT navigate your way through each day trying to fit work in between each scheduled meeting you have.

  • Have every question, answer, shared file and attendee list saved for future review long after meeting is complete

  • NOT assign someone to take minutes to the meeting and get only half of the points that were brought up

  • Everything for the meeting in one place.

  • NOT scrounging through emails, online cloud folders, local drives, and hand written notes.

  • Provide real time feedback through the meeting term to the host and other attendees.

  • NOT attendees sitting silent during a meeting thinking “it will all be over soon.”


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